Tuesday 30 November 2010

Protest Against Student Cuts.........

Last week I took to the streets of Hastings with classmates to protest against the cuts and increasing fees in education. We chanted the words ‘’No if’s, No buts, No education cuts’’ whilst we marched round town before gathering for speeches. This was a fantastic opportunity for students to get their opinions heard of what they fear may happen. 

As a student myself, I have put myself in debt to get an education to help me in a future career, I have worked hard to get here and continue to work hard to achieve a degree and I feel upset that this opportunity may be taken away from some young people and adults who would like to study part time. Many people will not be able to afford the potential increase of fees there for this will ultimately make higher education a ‘’luxury’’ or ‘’privilege’’ for those who can afford it. Education is a right not a privilege!

I have been following the student protests happening in London and Brighton and did become disappointed to see the violence that had occurred. What also shocked me was the violence that students were taking out on the police. The police are doing their job, however they were being attacked in vans, items thrown at them spat on, all behavior, which is not necessary. What I am trying to say is that there have been so many cuts already in this country and so many people have lost their jobs and many sectors such as the nhs and the police force are understaffed or not recruiting any more people as their budget may not stretch that far, therefore why are protesters treating them with disgust? If a doctor arrived to give medical care or to save someone’s life, are they going to be treated in the same way?

I would love to hear your thoughts…



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