Wednesday 23 February 2011

Some of my portfolio work.

A book cover project for the J.G.Ballard novel ''The drowned world''. My idea behind this cover was to produce an item that felt like it came from the story. I also wanted to get across the idea that what was once beautiful is now disfigured and you may no longer see what was beautiful.

This is a website design project that was a collection of me, I chose to photograph my dressing table and show myself using and wearing some of the items I have on my desk. This was a fun piece of work with lots of sense of humor.

Thursday 3 February 2011


''Am I too much of one person!'' Here are a few self-portraits I have created of myself, I am constantly changing my hair colour and style and am always wearing something different, therefore instead or portraying myself in one self-portrait why not do multiples.

Saturday 29 January 2011

A walk on the beach

Its still freezing cold and I cant wait till the sun begins to shine and I will be able to sit on the beach. But for now a quick stroll across the beach and a glance at Eastbourne pier will have to do. This week has been busy; I have been preparing my portfolio for university interviews and continuing with projects. I have now just got to work out an outfit for the interviews and all should be good!

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